BASF Test Brick – V – Phase 2 With Hollow Studs

Logo: Modern logo
Material: ABS
Inner ribs: none
Inner tubes: with rounded bottom
Flowrib / center line inside top surface: Yes.
Mold pip: just above the center on the short side.
Mold numbers: V
Mold position numbers:

  • 1 to to 11, 13 to 16 and 40 (replacing 12)
  • Numbers 1 to 8 and 40 are on the left side.
  • The 3 is inverted on both number 3 and 13.

Intellectual property protection: Pat. pend.
Colors known: Several non-production colors.
Remarkable features:

  • odd materials and colors
  • mold number 12 replaced by 40


  • Like so many of the odd bricks… why were these made?

[Original post and comments on Flickr.]

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